The Life Mastery Series is in Production
and will be available soon
Don't Miss the Launch

Don't be snoozing while the rest of us are cruising
Send us an email if you would like the impacting and empowering audio/video book  launch  alert


or you can pre order to receive it the moment it is available

Free Audio / Videos

If you haven't already and simply landed on this page; you can Get started with the free videos packed full with information to change your life for the better forever!

1. Free Webinar and Introduction to the 8 Steps
2. Shift from Meaning Less to Magnificent
3. What Matters Most - Reunite with the Real You
4. From Pain to Passionate Purpose
5. Why are you here to begin with ?

The Life Mastery Series available in Four ways to order the complete program packed full of Exercises, Guided Meditations and other Mentoring tools to move out of meaningless mess to magnificent me!

$14.95  ( A 50% + special discounted price  )  for The Full Book immediately; to move at your own pace! The book is currently in publication.

$15 Experience one step at a time with a Monthly Subscription for the exercises and guidance one step per Month for 8 months; to take the time to fully integrate each one. Each consecutive step will be available on the 1st of every month for 8 months a
You can participate in one or all.
Although I feel you will find the guidance compassionate and effective and will want to continue!

$395 Group facilitation. Experience your guidance live with Eloryia within a group webinar on Zoom! Not only will you have Eloryia's guidance; but group support as well where you can make friends who are all intending to transform their lives for the better.
One webinar per week for 8 weeks. You will also receive a Free Gift of the audio/video book! Each session will be archived in case you run into a scheduling conflict.

$595  One on one video meeting with Eloryia live on Zoom where she will personally mentor you through each step with guided meditation and other transformational modalities. This 8 session schedule will be set up to suit yours and Eloryia's availability. You will also receive a Free Gift of the audio/video book!

With any of the four you get full membership to The LIfe Mastery Series Facebook Group, where you can connect with Eloryia via email or msg for supportive guidance!