Getting Out of Your R.U.T

Shifting from Muck To Miracles


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8 Steps of 
Life Liberating Guidance

Step 1 Living In The Present

Step 2 The Gift of Life

Step 3 Be The Real You

Step 4 Go With The Flow

Step 5 Life's Compass

Step 6 Follow Your Heart

Step 7 Your Dream Life Plan

Step 8 Launch Your Life Legacy

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Getting Out of Your R.U.T.
From meaningless mess to mindful magnificent me… Muck to Miracles

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“The good news is you can free yourself from the mind. This is the only true liberation!” Eckhart Tolle


Your mind producing fearful thoughts have held you captive long enough. Everything begins and ends in the mind. What you choose to think creates the energy level that manifests either what you want or don’t want.

If you are engaged in the lower vibrations of fear, you are more than likely manifesting what you don’t want. When we raise our vibration to the highest frequency of love or just feel good feelings, we begin to see our world changing for the better.

When we are stuck in the low vibration of the fearful R.U.T. we continue to repeat the same mental pattern of doom and gloom over and over. This only attracts more situations that we would rather not encounter; as well as gives you proof on your belief that nothing will ever change.

Believing nothing will ever change, because it hasn’t just yet; is nothing more than self-deception and certainly will not get you what you want. Choosing to live in the fear induced R.U.T. is an absolute guarantee everything will remain the same or even get worse and you will never realize the life of your dreams.

The R.U.T. is my term for the unflattering and unbecoming unhealthy, imbalanced fearful behavior we adopt that is completely vibrationally inconsistent with the mindful magnificence we truly are.

The R.U.T. is mostly an unconscious or even sometimes a consciously chosen behavior of an unending mucky mess in all or even one aspect of your life. We were meant to be awesome and live a life of high vibrations that continuously create what may appear to many to be miracles.

R.U.T. is an acronym for Restrained Under Terror.  Terror is the advanced stage of victimized fearful illusions that binds us in a dark place filled with the pain of the perceived lack of all the things we want or dream of.

Each of us can identify with this kind of mental paralysis; because we have succumbed to fear of moving forward at some time and in some aspect of our life.

We may fear falling in love believing we will only end up hurt. We may fear becoming successful; believing we may turn into a bad person who treats others poorly or lose everything we acquired.

Your R.U.T may appear to be different from another in the details; nonetheless despite the details, all negative illusion is conjured up by choosing to remain in the fearful lower illusion of the meaningless mess over the elevated mindful magnificent me divine state of love.

The high vibration is the natural state of you; who may feel fear at times when embarking upon any inspiration; yet is not deterred by imaginings of made up stories that really don’t exist other than in your mind Despite fear; the natural you is the one who intentionally and courageously moves forward! The part of you who is willing to feel the fear and do it anyway! It applies energy in a manner that automatically draws to it your desired outcome.

Your particular R.U.T. may be exposing itself as an unfulfilling relationship or employment, poor health or inadequate finances; nonetheless the result is the same.

You end up with nothing ever changing and at times; things actually get worse. You feel frustrated and disappointed with the way you are or the present outcome of your life, because it appears no matter what you do, nothing seems to change. Nor does there appear to be anyone who is willing to rescue you. 

No one can liberate you from your own self-imposed misery; as far too many are suffering in the same illusion and the last thing they need is someone dependent upon them.

Yet, you can still correct any imbalances caused by lower frequencies by bringing yourself back into your natural state; where you can stand on firm solid ground. Unwavering by any discordant people, or circumstances around you.

We will do this together by using higher mind understanding; as well as specific tools that will raise your vibration. The high frequency will result in uprooting the original cause of beliefs of unworthiness and kicking out the culprits, the low vibrational negative thoughts and emotions that are responsible for attracting to you less than what you truly deserve.

You can end the R.U.T. by changing your focus to manifest with intention rather than by default.  While in the R.U.T. we spend  a great deal of energy trying to figure out how we can control any situation to secure a guaranteed outcome. Trying to figure out how to manipulate anything outside of yourself is nothing more than a waste of your precious energy. The real change begins within where you consciously use your energy to realign with your natural self whose high frequency matches that of abundance of all wonderful things.  

What you may have failed to realize; is regardless of all your mental attempts to figure out some guaranteed result before you move forward; you have done nothing to truly effect a successful change.

We are vibrational beings and thusly you have to be present with what level of energy you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings. If they are not high frequencies then you need to take the action to align with and emit the appropriate frequency to change any thoughts or emotions that are not vibrationally compatible with what you are intending.

Why is it, we always seem to focus on the fearful dreaded outcome, rather than on what we want that brings us joy?

I have seen time and time again in myself, as well as the many others I have guided over the years, the trappings of the R.U.T. stems from conditioned incorrect beliefs of inadequacy, of not being good enough. This fear is always rooted in the illusion of separation; that causes you to separate out from your true and natural self.  When you are separate from self, your high vibration diminishes; causing you to be misaligned with abundance. Thusly you only end up with a lack in health, wealth or love or all of them.

If you have not attended the free webinar for the illusion of separation, the cause and the culprits of an unhappy life; please do so after this video. You will find a link to it on this webpage. It is important to fully understand that illusion and how you subscribed to it before moving forward into the 8 steps.

There are multiple modalities to obtain a successful life in health, wealth and love via self-discovery; yet many fall short of tapping into the original cause of the illusion of separation; as well as leading you to the final results of restoring you to your authentic self.

In many you may become aware of many adverse experiences that caused you to believe you were less than; but hardly ever are you encouraged to uncover the whole truth of the origin of why you created the adversity to begin with, nor led to the full restoration and activation of the real you.

One of the conditioned beliefs I subscribed to; started with being raised a Catholic and my understanding at an early age of the religious ritual of Baptism was to free me from original sin.

Now please understand; I am not religion bashing….I feel there is value in every path; as any path has an opportunity for growth to eventually lead us home to our real authenticity.  

I was taught original sin was initially committed by Adam and Eve and somehow I inherited it and must be cleansed of it before I would be good enough or worthy of returning to the kingdom of Heaven. 

In my lack of full understanding during those formative years; I perceived I was born unworthy of God; simply for choosing to be born. The nuns who taught me throughout grammar school insisted we would remain separate and rejected by God and we were already miserable sinners upon birth.

Yet, I could never quite comprehend what I could have possibly done before being born that would cause God to not accept and love me; until some middle man cleansed my wretched soul by pouring water over my forehead while speaking words of absolution and anointing me a Catholic. This was enough for me to subscribe to the illusion of separation; which was then followed by multiple adverse experiences manifested through my low vibrations of believing I was not good enough just the way I was.

Nonetheless all my experiences; regardless of perceived as good or bad, held value in terms of my realization of the real me. They provided the opportunity to become aware of and know the darkness and lack of the lows;  so I could reach for the light and ascend to the highs to live in abundance.

In my present understanding; I believe the soul of me did nothing wrong by choosing to be born. I was never separate from my natural self, my source when I chose to embark on the journey of life. The choice of our soul to manifest into form; is where we realize our magnificent divinity through the human experience.  

The earth is where one would come to believe they were separate from God until such time they overcame the illusion through self-love, to attend to self-care so we may master the misperception.

This is no sin at all in terms of wrong doing and suffering negative consequences. This was a soul choice to realizing its mindful magnificent me; through the human experience upon earth; where we all create a meaningless mess before we get this is nothing more than a joyful journey to return to the real you.

The word “sin” translated from Spanish means without. So, there appears to be some truth in the term sin but in my opinion not the whole truth. While engaged in the illusion of separation; we erroneous believe we are without God; yet there is no truth to the implication that we are separate from God because there is something wrong with us or some other wrongdoing that deserves the punishment of rejection and abandonment.

As I spoke about already; when we buy into the illusion of separation, we began creating adverse experiences that substantiated deserving punishment and perpetrated all the lies about self.  The lies continued to fuel the fires of feeling worthless; that only resulted in vibrationally calling forth the manifestation of even more mental, emotional or physical oppression by others outside of our selves.

None of us grew up in a perfect unconditionally loving environment. Even if we had very conscious parents or caretakers; there were also those outside of the home who influenced our beliefs of not being good enough.

When we have been devalued at one time or another; even through very seemingly insignificant situations; we will eventually lose trust and faith in ourselves. When we lack faith and trust in our ability to make good and wise decisions; we continuously create a life that is unfulfilling on one level or another. Simply because regardless of what we pray for, imagine or voice aloud; there is the underlying culprit who is feeling undeserving and is emitting vibrations of lack rather than abundance and ends up sabotaging all good intentions.

This can continue to go unnoticed especially if we are not aware of what is happening under the everyday consciousness radar. Eventually it escalates into paralyzation of moving forward due to being too afraid to try anything; the R.U.T.

 Where we are stuck in that darkened cavern of fear filled existence. Once there; we entertain thoughts of simply giving up; because we are consumed with believing we are alone, abandoned and rejected. In this state of energy low you cannot help but create and live in lack. This is when we are consumed by the R.U. T. ; and believe we are unable to think, feel or do anything different.

The first step out of the R.U.T. is becoming aware of and acknowledging you are there to begin with and then accept it is necessary to take the action of choosing an alternate route to freedom other than wishing, hoping, begging and pleading or blaming others.

Nothing just drops into your lap; desire is only a beginning. It must be followed by a conscious intentional action of engaging in the vibrations that are aligned with our desires.  The actions of shifting our vibrational frequency do not have to be difficult; as long as you are willing to be present, attentive and self-caring; so we may pay attention to where our thoughts and feelings are in any given moment. This awareness presents the immediate opportunity to begin to change anything in our lives that is less than satisfactory in an instant.

If you want to be happy, despite your current conditions, you must correct your thinking and muster up the good feeling emotions consistent with what you want; as if you have it already. This is how we raise our vibrations. And if you find that too difficult because even though you can imagine having it and feel the feel what it is like to have it already. The pesky lower mind will confront you with thoughts that you still don’t have it.  This is when you simply focus on what you have already and be grateful for it.

Gratitude for even the slightest of things, will immediately shift your thoughts and emotions to feeling good. The more time you spend on feeling good the higher your vibration becomes and instantly aligns you with your natural divine magnificent self. 

Then more inspiration will follow; directing you to your desired goal by laying out a one step at a time path leading you away from your previously devasting choices into the higher frequency of your natural state and the life you dream about.

It is necessary to consciously discipline yourself to engage in joyful thoughts. But before I go further; I want to address the word discipline. Most of us associate that word with the negative experience of having to work hard as well as being under the control of someone or something else.

Discipline is simply the act of investing in yourself.  If you wish to be healthy you must discipline your thoughts and acknowledge your emotions. You begin to imagine what it feels like to feel good.  If you want to be financially abundant; you stop whining and complaining about the lack of what you don’t have and begin to imagine yourself already having whatever it is you desire and follow the guidance to get you there.

Together we will consciously acknowledge your damaging beliefs about yourself that have caused you to adopt an attitude of unworthiness that eventually resulted you being stuck in fear; where you are restrained by terror to make any real changes regarding what you choose to do, think, say or feel that is different from what you have already been doing.

If what you are doing, thinking, saying and feeling has gotten you what you really want and you are happy, healthy, living in a state of love and financially prosperous then you obviously don’t need to continue. If you do not have those things; it is time to engage in something different that will bring about the life you desire.

Effecting change by raising your vibration is not for the weak hearted; it takes courage to face your fears and act anyway. Yet there is no mistake you are here to begin with. You were divinely guided in response to your desire for change. 

You have been led here to listen, watch or to read this information; as I know you are one of those who has long been seeking their magnificent me and that means you already have what it takes to continue and succeed.

All R.U.T.s regardless of varying details are filled with fear and fueled by anger, frustration, pity, sorrow and any other emotions that feels less than good and are far from your natural high vibrational state of living in peace and joy.  Negative perceptions of being stuck perpetrate a belief of lacking empowerment and can only be shifted by realizing your every thought and feeling is vibrationally charged with what you want or don’t want. If you wish to live the abundant life of your natural state of divine magnificence, your thoughts and feelings must align with that presence.

To continue to simply whine and complain about what you do not have or continue to be frustrated or enraged of not knowing how to be able to get rid of something you do not want; will never change a thing.

When you are in the R.U.T. you are usually involved in continually applying the same negative thoughts, feelings and behavior in an attempt to try to alter the outcome without accomplishing any real long lasting results. While in the R.U.T. you don’t often think of another way of being because you are too habitually addicted to being the way you were taught or conditioned to be.

Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"!

Being in a R.U.T is similar to driving in a rain storm where you are blinded from moving forward; yet you insist on going ahead even though you can’t see the road clearly because you are impatient about reaching your destination. 

Impatience is derived from a controlled imagined obligation of having to arrive at a particular place at a certain time. Impatience can also be the result of simply terrified of where you are in the moment and desperately wanting to escape your current conditions.

You are more consumed with escape rather than being present with the actual situation. Basically; you are out of control and as such you swerve and veer off the road where your car lands in and gets stuck in the mud. When you realize you are stuck, your knee jerk reaction is to press on the gas, impatiently revving the engine; all the while not much is accomplished other than the wheels spin feverishly yet the vehicle does not budge.

This type of angry persistent repetitive ineffective behavior does nothing more than dig you in deeper. It is self-sabotaging; yet you continue to press on the gas even harder, shifting quickly from forward to reverse attempting to rock yourself out. Most often you find you have simply now dug all the tires in deeper.

You get out of the car, kick the tire in angry frustration as if it was to blame and then get back in to try it once again. Even though you are aware it didn’t work the first couple of times you insist on giving it another go; fully expecting this repeated action to eventually make a difference. Before long; you have dug your car into a rut far too deep to be freed from on your own.

 Yet instead of calling out for and accepting help; you continue to insist you can do it alone; like you have to prove something to someone. Or are too engaged in not deserving help.

After a few more attempts at the same; you are exhausted from your unsuccessful efforts despite putting more and more pressure on the gas pedal. Eventually you run out of gas and there you remain deeply stuck in the mucky mess.

Once you realize you are stuck; the real panic sets in. More negative thinking arises and is fueled by fearful emotions. You start to berate yourself for getting in the car to begin with. You think thoughts like; if the rain continues and the water rises you might get washed away in a rush of water of which you have no control over. Or you may be trapped and drown.

When you are already in a R.U.T. any little thing that does not go your way will only escalates a more futile reaction; further agitating the victim within you.

You curse the weather projecting the blame for your situation on it rather than take responsibility for what you chose to begin with. The fear wins and you engage in even more horror thinking of what else can happen; while waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop. And of course; this does nothing more than create additional unpleasant circumstances. Because your vibrational frequency is in its lowest state of fear and automatically calls forth more of what you don’t want.

Even if you stop kicking and screaming long enough to contemplate trying something different; you will immediately dismiss those thoughts because you are too fearful of the next event that may occur that make matters even worse.

You imagine all sorts of negative results like the mud collapsing in on you if you dare to move and then that imagery escalates into more terrifying results; you will die right then and there buried forever in your muddy tomb.

You believe yourself to be the victim, the lesser, undeserving individual; and are paralyzed in being able to even take a tiny risk to change your current conditions. You end up spending your life in a mucky dugout, convincing yourself that although you are in a hole; as long as you don’t move you might be safe and continue to survive.

The truth is you won’t survive for long because there is only lack of everything within it.

Then the anger from the lack of being able to live the way you desire sets in and generates more horrific thoughts, feelings and behavior resulting in more awful things happening.  Eventually you are completely depleted and experience emotional, mental, and spiritual starvation.  You lose faith believing you will never have the chance to access all the wonderful things in life. There is no peace or joy because the fulfillment of your dreams has been buried in the muddy R.U.T.

This is how most of us approach designing our lives. We have an experience that embeds itself with an erroneous belief of being unworthy and powerless to change anything and we continue to manifest by default through this worthless filter.

Things don’t work out the way we desire or dream of and we repeat the behavior; instead of taking the time to call out for the help to understand why we just continue trying to make life different with an underlying attitude that already spells doom.

You are in the "go nowhere" behavioral R.U.T. You continue to do this because you have bought into the illusion of the lower vibration mental body, the ego; that has tangled up your motivation to move forward with programmed conditioning based in lies. You have been beat down by engaging in one fearful belief after another that eventually leads to your complete defeat because your vibration states you cannot have anything different

Yes, you can say, "I have tried and nothing ever changes"; yet it is this very statement that keeps you exactly where you are. You can continue to argue the point with your multiple examples of proof from the past. Yet your argument lacks true substance, as the past has nothing to do with your current situation other than the fact you are insistent upon living in and blaming the past as the logical reason for not taking any risks in the moment to create and secure the future you desire. You are simply a person who creates a problem for every solution. Rather than a person who finds a solution for every problem.

What do you have to lose? You are here to begin with because you have perceived you have lost something already.

To get out of the R.U.T.; first you acknowledge you are in there to begin with because of your insistence on applying the same lower vibrational unhealthy habitual negative action, thought, feeling or statement without any effective results.

This is when you become aware of what you do that causes you to get what you do not want.

Your natural state is a high vibrational being who resides within an amazingly abundant universe, where everything you desire; already exists. All you need do is call it in by aligning with your true vibration that will then properly align you with the frequency of what you are asking.

When you begin to get even an inkling of this highest truth about you; is when you become willing to choose different behavior, even if it is only because you understand what you have been doing isn’t working towards getting you want you want. 

When you even consider entertaining the thought of the real you; you become willing to take inventory of what you have been doing that is not working for you. Then you have gained the awareness to be able to not only vow to change it; but also gain the courage to actually do it.

You seek the necessary help available to get back on the path that will transform your world.

So let’s start right here and now; because that is all there is.

Consider what you are thinking and feeling each day when you awaken. Do you greet the new day with a sensation of enthusiasm and excitement or is your day doomed before it even begins because you are already mentally and emotionally trapped in the fear of how nothing will be different?

Are you focusing your eyes on the mucky mud all around you or are you taking some conscious action to intentionally create miracles?

Are you choosing to raise your vibration by thinking more positively about your life; which fosters gratitude for what was and what is and then shifts you into the highest vibration of the state of love in the moment you open your eyes?  Or are you choosing the old pattern of lower frequencies by  continuing to think negatively that only allows the old fearful ways to direct your course that will only end up against some familiar or new obstacle?

The lower vibrational fear we hold onto is due to the cross wiring of conditioned programming. The programming that was influenced by subscribing to the illusion of separation and then continually enforced through taught behavior by your original caretakers, and then more deeply embedded as you grew and integrated with society and it continues to be engrained by you day after day.

You are the one that now revs that negatively charged mental-emotional engine; spinning those wheels that dig you even further into the deep, dark R.U.T. in each moment. You no longer need to spiral downward into the R.U.T. by plummeting into fear.  You can elevate your life by ascending into love through the awakening, acknowledgment, acceptance and alignment of your natural state.

There is still the soul of you with the intent to freely express itself through the Spirit of you.  Although the Spirit may have been damaged; it is continually striving to be the full expression of your divine and magnificent soul.

The Spirit of you is reaching for the light that is consistently shinning above the dark hole you dug. It is reaching for the light that is directing an intention to be lifted out and reach its greatest potential by living the magnificence you already are.

The divine magnificence you are, can, and will maintain your awareness in any given moment and guide you to lovingly and joyfully skip over the mud or other pitfalls along the road and go directly to the miracles. All you do is partner with it by raising your vibration to be in alignment with the real you; rather than side with the unnatural lower frequencies of victim.

When you align all aspects of self with the highest vibration of your divine magnificence; you regain control of your world the victim has usurped. Then things begin to change; and you will find you not only have purpose but will be passionate about life and you will be happy, healthy and living the life you desire; rather than only dreaming of it. 

The high vibrational magnificent soul filled spirit of you has indeed had multiple contrasting experiences which have been encoded in your physical cells. Yet, this part of you is unlimited! The magnificent soul is divine and knows how to apply the appropriate energy to go beyond the conditioned beliefs, taught behaviors and fearful restrictions of the physical illusions.

You can get out of your unhealthy R.U.T. by choosing to stop wasting your precious energy listening to the lower static frequencies of the mental conditioned body, called the ego. The aspect of you who has been acting out as a victim. The fearful part who lies to manipulate you to remain enslaved in an illusion of safety.  When all the while the truth is; it is holding you prisoner until you die a slow and painful death of an unfulfilled life because it convinces you not to take any risks.

Instead of continuing to pay heed to the lies, you choose to tune into the harmonic frequencies of your magnificence who will assist all aspects of you to awaken, acknowledge and accept  your super conscious state of being; so you can effectively release and repair the damage to self and restore your natural state of being. Once you have aligned with and activated the real you….the life of a passionate purposeful life begins to unfold.  

Reconnecting Universal Truth can also be described as the acronym R.U.T.

If you are going to choose a rut, why not choose the one that is positive and healthy; the one that creates the life you have always desired. The one that allows you to be the empowered person you truly are and results in shifting your life out of the mud and into miracles!

You can get out of your mucky daily grind and move into everyday miracles when you choose to embrace and be the higher truth of the Magnificent Me. Who already knows life changes when you change your thoughts which then adjusts your attitude; and causes your vibration to raise where you can courageously take action to follow any inspiration in any moment.

You need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is the Magnificent Me who has been calling you forward to use your inherent authority of self to  choose differntly. You alone are responsible for choosing to align with the real you or not.

I am offering you the assistance to change your negative beliefs based in lies to the higher truth of who you truly are. Your attitude about yourself and your life will change when you are willing to follow desire with intention. The intent to get all your wiring untangled and connected back into a radiantly vibrating constellation of the brilliant star you are.

You are only 8 Steps away from reaching the top of the muddy hole you have dug yourself into. The guidance is and has always been available to you to take these steps that will enable you to transform;  freeing yourself from all your lower vibrations of self-imposed unworthiness based fearful restrictions to get out of the R.U. T. to change your life.

It takes self-care coordinated with self-love in order to choose for yourself some time to practice to reach your purpose! 

You are probably already resisting this statement; as you think it will be a lot of work. But, before you dismiss your first step to getting out of your R.U.T.; take a moment to realize how much energy you use to remain where you are now.

If you take but a moment to feel the hard work it continually requires to constantly rev that negative mental- emotional engine and spend that emotional fuel; it won't take you but a moment to realize it is far more taxing to continue to stay in the unhealthy, unproductive R.U.T. then it might be to take the steps that can change your life for the better!

If you are yet to be convinced to take the steps to shift into your loving mindful Magnificent Me; let’s have a closer look at an example of some of the futile behavior we engage in when our lives are shaped by the fearful victim who believes consciously or not; they deserve nothing more than a life of lack, pain and struggle and continually lives in a state of meaningless mess. The part of us that is stuck in the R.U.T. in one aspect of life or another.

We all have found ourselves, at one time or another, living in absolute fear; where we are terrorized to move forward.  One clue you may indeed be in this stagnated condition; is you often find yourself identifying with the negative thoughts and worse still openly stating when contemplating something different or new, “what if, and, or butt”. You know all that mental chatter that is constantly diffusing the enthusiasm you may feel about anything.

These words are the rationalization often associated with being trapped in the fear of the victim; who although is lacking in one area of life or another and whines about it daily; appears to be more than comfortable in only surviving in this lower vibrational state of the meaningless mess. Yes, I said comfortable in misery. We settle for less than all we desire because change always brings forward the unknown. Fear of the unknown will keep us stuck where we are; miserable or not.

Fear is the lowest state of consciousness where we are paralyzed to take even a tiny step forward. Fear shrouds and cripples your natural state of being. The you; who has the ability to emit a high vibration and is always excited about embarking on a new exciting journey

Fear manipulates our movement; by keeping us immersed in constantly entertaining overwhelming logical reasons or making up of stories; of what could go wrong. This incessant chatter just spews unhappy endings; until we are utterly convinced whatever it is we dare feel a bit of enthusiasm about will not work out the way we want or expect.  After stressing out for days, months or years; we settle for “why bother, what’s the point, nothing every works for me”!

Of course heading these kind of thoughts; we are doomed before we begin…because we never begin in fear of ending up a failure.

Instead of moving forward; we opt to habitually perform as usual; that eventually ends with just more of the same of what you do not want.  All the while expecting the mess to clean itself up even though you are petrified to participate in some action that will affect a different outcome. Or we project the responsibility onto someone else; burdening them with covert or overt behavior to manipulate whomever by projecting a false sense of obligation. We burden them with making us feel better about ourselves, or providing finances or other things we believe we lack.

As an example; let’s just look at what we do to gain acknowledgment…you know the feel good. When we don’t feel good about ourselves and are stuck in an unconscious state to be able to apply some long lasting effective change; we will always seek someone, something or someplace that can help us feel better.

We all see it everyday; especially with Social Media. How many times do you see a post from someone who appears to be begging for your acknowledgment? I call these “pity party posts”.

Sometimes it appears in a cute request to tell them what you like about them. Or I especially cringe at the ones who are always posting how fat, ugly or ignorant they are. Either is nothing more than bait for you to get hooked into convincing them of the opposite, so they can momentarily find some feel good to establish value in themselves.

I know of many, but one in particular sticks out in my mind. She is actually a very beautiful, smart, generous young women. The problem is she doesn’t know that about herself. She continues to doubt no matter how many compliments she solicits and receives. She is still veiled in the forgetfulness of the magnificence of self. Stuck in the lower vibration of the insatiable victim.

Every day she has multiple posts that is intended to influence others to respond with some type of compliment. Many have played along for awhile because they are caring people who want her to feel good about herself. But day after day, month after month I have observed the responding comments dwindling. 

Why… because unbeknownst to her and possibly many who were responding; she is expecting others to do for her what she is more than capable of doing for herself; but won’t.  She may get a temporary lift; yet it dwindles quickly because she is demanding it from outside of herself.

She wants everyone else to fulfill the lack of high energy she senses. And conscious of it or not, those others feel the drain on their own energy and are becoming bored or even annoyed with her continued pleas for acknowledgment.  

When her pleads for compliments appear to stop working, she then manifests some illness and then posts all the details. That usually gets some immediate attention and she temporarily regains her audience. Eventually whatever anyone else has done to help her feel better about herself simply dissipates. She feels the lack and the whole vicious cycle starts over again.

I am not by any means berating her; as I am sure she is convinced she is worthless or lacking in some attribute or another; as well as her illnesses are real and uncomfortable.  I am simply pointing out the misuse of energy when we are stuck in the R.U.T. of fearful lower vibration of not knowing we are more than capable of changing our lives for the better. We can accept help, but if we become dependent upon anyone doing it for us ….we do nothing but sentence ourselves to a life of abundance of doom and gloom.

It is more than evident to me, this young, more than adept woman is unconsciously choosing to reside in a low vibrational RUT where she deems herself less than anyone and everyone else .

This continually depletes her and she must constantly find a way to get from others what she is unwilling to give herself. She habitually addicted to accessing her energy fix through self-pity posts of some inadequacy or another. She proudly proclaims her meaningless mess; while being totally unaware of how her thoughts, feelings, words and action only holds her in a low vibration that perpetrates more of the same.

Her incorrect thoughts and feelings about herself emit a frequency that is doing nothing more than calling forth exactly what she doesn’t want; more rejection and abandonment.

I have responded myself many times in a loving compassionate way coupled with suggestions of how what she can do to make a positive change. Although my compliment is acknowledged, the help falls on deaf ears because she is not yet ready to take full responsibility to change. Thusly, I no longer expend my energy; as I know there is no helping anyone who is not willing to help themselves.

Am I judging her…not at all? I simply observe in her a behavior that is not befitting of her magnificence.  A pattern that we all have gotten trapped in. A pattern that we can become aware of and be willing to change, if and when we are ready to do so.

The problem here is nothing will change until she gets present with herself and takes the action to raise her frequency so she is never in lack of anything.

Of course; it is always lovely to genuinely give or receive a compliment or an acknowledgment for who you are and what you have accomplished.  Yet there is a major energetic difference in others genuinely complimenting or acknowledging when they feel the desire to do so; from unconsciously demanding attention from others to fulfill the lack you are sensing.

Yet if you really pay attention to what is going on under the radar; you will be more than aware of the low frequency they are emitting through their statements

You can easily see how it is nothing more than manipulation for the many who aren’t paying attention and are easily trapped in a false sense of obligation.  Even if you don’t see it clearly; you will feel it; that is what causes us to scroll past conscious or not of the manipulation. We sense the covert draw on our energy.

I see the same behavior over and over in many so called high vibrational groups. As I scroll through the posts, at least 75% are people who are more interested in being the “poor me”, engaged in getting attention from others without any intention of doing something for themselves; than I see people who are just sharing some really feel good high vibrational information or applications.

I am an avid supporter of what I term “giving the victim a voice”; and you will experience this process in the 8 steps. What giving the victim a voice means; is when one is suffering from some adversity and overcome with negative thoughts and emotions, they are provided a safe loving supportive space to tell their story and express their feelings. I feel this is important to bring it all to the surface so it can be released. This is done because you can’t go beyond the past as long as you are unconsciously living in it. When one is supported in shining the light of truth on any adverse experience and permitted to feel those toxic emotions; they can begin the healing.  I purposefully create this space to let it all out. Otherwise it (the victim) will just continuously interfere with the healing and your divine magnificence will not be obvious to yourself or any other.

We are not meant to be ordinary….we are meant to be awesome. The difference between the two is your vibratory rate.

Let’s get started on raising your vibration to the natural you, the one you have always been but just forgotten or have struggled for a clear successful path to return home to yourself!



You are now ready to move onto the 8 steps of The Life Mastery Series

Where you will be engaging in the actual transformation exercises to shift from meaningless to Magnificent!

This unique program is designed to assist you in raising your vibration to repair and restore all aspects that make up the whole of your life; while integrating your heart, mind, body and soul to be your natural authentic self!

Your road map and natural path with the real steps to Effective, Successful, Life Liberating Change.

The 8 step series is empowering guidance in audio-video book format from the convenience of your home at any time that suits you.

It is crafted with vital information presented as a visual story; as it displays  images and high frequency moving colors that will be impacting in terms of the breakup of the old patterns;  while simultaneously restoring and embedding the high vibration of divine magnificence within every cell of your body.

Each step will be coupled with effective tools, exercises and guided visualizations; gathered over the course of thirty plus years; to specifically help you truly transform your world; by pinpointing your real problems and providing the genuine solutions for life liberating, long lasting results for peace of mind, strong vibrant body and a happy heart.

Applying the real resolve of returning to self; who vibrantly radiates with high energy will overturn the deep seeded cellular based issues. This is what needs to happen to stop that negative critic, the inner saboteur, who resides in fearful conditioned low vibrational beliefs, and cannot seem to help itself from destroying your dreams just before they are manifest.

The amazing results for countless others and now for you as well, is you can be liberated from fearful limitations that cause you to live a mere survival existence.

You were not just meant to survive, you are meant to thrive!

You can leap into a Mastery of a lavish joyful life; fueled by your greatest potential; where anything and everything is possible!

You not only deserve to; but can be empowered to live a mastered life!

This 8 steps are the action of choosing an intentional journey back to your Self-Mastery; your True Self and master self-love. It is a clear and precisely navigated road map; providing life liberating guidance. It is a course that will lift you out of your all consuming, limiting fear; transforming you from merely surviving to thriving in a joyful lavish life; filled with abundance of all wonderful things.

There are many different tools, applications and or modalities, available in the world today, to assist you with transforming your life from that of which you dread to that of which you desire.

Over the course of many years of healing my own negative conditioned behavior and beliefs that resulted in mental and emotional wounds; I have crafted very specific practical steps that have resulted in healing and shifting my life for the better. This specialized gift has also helped hundreds of others I have been blessed to guide out of the muck of survival into a joyful life filled with everyday miracles.

They are practical steps to guide you on your journey of remembrance, acceptance and activation of your authentic self.

They will guide you to live in the present; where you consciously apply energy to create from your heart; the focal point of all manifestation.

Within this course of action you will find your true love, and remember how to trust your intuition so you can easily and gracefully flow through life's changes by knowing which choice is right for you in any moment.

If you are ready and willing to do something truly loving and nurturing for yourself; the 8 Steps of the Life Mastery Series will assist you in healing your heart, mind, and spirit.

Lets get started now…Resolve the problem. Get the solution and realize successful change with the 8 steps!