There is a place between no longer and not yet and that is where you remember...
A Joyful Abundant life is not a Mystery is the Mastery of Matter!

The Life Mastery - Magnificent Me Series

Raising Global Awareness and uplifting Humanity into Heaven on Earth; by raising your frequency first.

We are all on this Ascension road together, we can help humanity by attending to ourselves right here and now!

With 8 steps of clarity and high frequency color and sound guided meditation tools.

An Audio Video Book of Compassionate, Effective and Successful Guidance

Tired of waiting for someone, something or some place to make a difference?
Are you frustrated because all your good intentions seem to dissipate right before your eyes?

I get it....I know that depleted depressing life....yet I also know how to change it.

How would you like to Raise your frequency to be in alignment with the abundant universe; so you actually have what you wish for and desire?

It's not who you are that holds you back; it is who you think you are not!

"There is a reason you were put here on earth; whatever that reason is, you have to be yourself to fulfill it!

You are the Mindful, Magnificent Meaningful Master of Life!

Watch the free Webinar on "The Illusion of Separation "
the cause and the culprits interferring with the life you desire. The very things that keep you from a happy heart, peaceful mind, healthy body and financial abundance!

 Align and Activate the Real You

How would Life Look and Feel If

You knew who you really are and embraced your full valuable worth

You knew what really makes you happy

You  knew  your gifts and talents and used them as your livelihood

You dissolved the struggle and lived in the flow with peace of mind, a happy heart, a strong vibrant body and a radiant soul

I can take you safely on that journey where life changes for the better!

Where you discover and get to be you; thriving in abundance of all wonderful things.

Your Dreams CAN Come True!

  Awaken, Acknowledge, Accept!
Reunite With The Real You

Intro to each of the 8 steps and Start the Free Webinar Now!

The 8 step series is Life Liberating, empowering guidance in audio-video book format

It is crafted with vital information presented as a visual story; displaying images and high frequency moving colors to impact and breakup old patterns that no longer serve the natural state of you; while simultaneously restoring and embedding the high vibration of divine magnificence within every cell of your body.

Imagine what it would be like to be a free spirit with an abundant life! A journey to return to the Real You who still exists; simply shrouded by conditioning.  "Be here have to show up first before the life you desire does!"

 Release, Repair, Restore

Each step will be coupled with effective tools, exercises and guided visualizations; gathered over the course of 30+ years; to specifically help you truly transform your world.

Together we will  pinpoint your real problems and provide the effective solutions for life liberating, long lasting results for peace of mind, strong vibrant body and a happy heart

You can Shift from Meaningless to Magnificent...To Transform Your World!!

All you do is watch, listen and follow the guidance!!

What Matters most to you is what you will create; where your attention goes is where the energy will flow!!

Meet Your AuthorMeet Your Author


Why are you here to begin with ?

We have a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical body. All bodies must be balanced so they can unify in an harmonic order for our life aspects of health, wealth and relationships to fully function at their greatest potential.   The spiritual, mental and emotional bodies dictate what we get or don’t get in the physical, depending on whether they are aligned and working together or they are at odds with one another; that results in being unfulfilled in one or more aspects of our life.

One aspect or more may  be fully functioning from a higher consciousness and working with and for you; as well as one aspect or more  may be in a more dense frequency; causing you to experience lack , scarcity or limitations. When this is the case;  life can show up as insufficient funds, inharmonious relationships,  health concerns , or just not fulfilled with your present situation; all causing you to feel frustrated, stuck and struggling with confusion.
This is what we term the lower consciousness meaningless mess...all or one part of life  appears to lack joy and have no worthwhile meaning.  And this is what we intend to transform thru the magical manifestor by dissolving all that keeps you from being fully aligned with and plugged into your super consciousness; the magical manifestor is your innate body, the consciousness that takes the order from you to direct your DNA to reprogram your subconsious  to change your cells that creates your desired outcomes; this is the real you, the Soul Star; the magnifcent masterpiece.

 Truly Transformational

The Life Mastery Series Audio - Video Book is Your Road Map to letting go of the seperation from self that keeps you from enjoying an abundant life!

Be free of the control of what you think you should be; to be in full flow of who you really are ...the Magnificent Masterpiece; the Meaningful, Mindful Master of your Life!

Don't be snoozing while the rest of us are cruising.
Discover which aspects of your life are plugged in and firing on all pistons; strong and supportive, but more importantly which ones aren't and need your presence to awaken, acknowledge, release, repair, restore and align your thoughts and feelings with your desired outcome.

This is what activates your super conscious soul star to launch your light legacy; so you are free to joyfully live  a meaningful life by sharing your gifts to uplift humanity.

Acknowledge who you really are...let go of who you think you should be!

Know and Accept your natural gifts and talents.

Embrace what really makes you happy...stop being driven by what you perceive you should do or be!

Discover your true life passionate purpose ...don't miss your awesome adventure by spending your life doing what you hate! Restore your the authority in your life!

Expertise & Support

30+ yrs Life Liberating Guidance Coupled with Effective, Powerful Skills, Tools and Techniques to align and activate the real you who will change your world!

You will be inspired, encouraged and supported in your development and unfoldment, as Eloryia's heart's intention is to help you become a whole, self-confident, self-trusting, heart centered individual who is clear on what you want and courageous in taking the necessary steps to let go into the flow to live all your dreams.

Eliminate the struggle of lack and change your life from pain to Passionate Purpose!

Your Road Map to Letting go of blame, control and separation.

Be free of what you think you should be; to be your authentic self...the Master of your Life!

Be a magnificent masterpiece...Live in alignmment of the flow  of the natural forces of life....stop forcing and simply invite and allow your dreams, desires and intentions to show up through beauty, grace, ease and comfort.

Continue to move forward...Watch the Free Webinar, learn about your Author and get details on the 8 Steps!  

