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The Ascension Program – Life Mastery Series
Out of the Darkness into the Light –Create the Life You Desire
The 8 Step toYour Successful Transformation
Expert and Supportive Guidance through an Empowering Audio Video Book

Audio Video Book 1-8 Steps Mini Introduction

Doesn't Matter Which Stage of Life You Are In

You may be stuck in one stage or transitioning form one to the other of Meaningless Mess, Magical Manifestor or Magnificent Me!
The 8 step series is crafted to shift you from where you are in this moment; to the final results; The Magnificent Me; where you thrive in guided inspiration and live a life full of meaningful passionate purpose.

The 8 Step Series To Transform Your Life

All eight steps will address your  aspects of Life; by discovering in each step which aspect is fully functioning at its optimal potential or is in need of repair, release and restoration as it applies to the step.  Each step begins with valuable information, and then moves into the actual empowering exercises and other transformative tools and modalities designed to help you move forward!

Multiple Formats

The series is offered in  four  formats; audio/video book, webinar, personal guidance by phone or video chat or as a one on one conscious living retreat. You choose the one that best suits your needs! All of the formats will also provide personal support from Eloryia.  The information below is an encapsulation of each  guided step  in the series, in both written and video format; A Joyful Journey to Reunite with the Real You i

Step 1
Living In The Present

We begin with letting go of what no longer serves us. In step one you get the tools and are safely and lovingly guided to leave the past in the past. Living in the present will put an end to the dissruptive pattern  that steals every moment and continuously sabotages your intended future. Live life in the now so today is filled with peace, faith, health and wealth assuring tomorrow will bring even more of what feels good and what you desire; rather than what yesterday has taken away! Letting go of the past and not fearing the future!

The past is but a memory
The future is but a dream to be realized
The now is the gift; this is why it is called the Present!

"Be here have to show up first before the life you desire does!"

Step 2
The Gift of Life

Life is a miracle. It is a precious gift of adventure.

Gaia is where there is a specialized experience to use free will to choose each and every experience….to realize what it physically feels like to be light through love and share light through love.

If you are here and reading this you have been granted this precious gift. Together we will acknowledge our gift of life with gratitude. Letting go of what we thought was done to us and return to the wisdom of what is being done for us.

Step 3
Awaken Divine Magnificence - Be The Real You

You can take back control of your life. You are a sovereign being with the authority to choose what to say, think, feel and do for yourself. When you claim your sovereign authority; your life will always change for the better!

Quiet the inner critic. You were not born to be ordinary…you were born to be awesome!
You were never a lesser child of God

You can take back control of your life. You are a sovereign being with the authority to choose what to say, think, feel and do for yourself. When you claim your sovereign authority; your life will always change for the better!

Be yourself, everyone else is taken

"You are not here to dwell within lack and limitation.
Discover the real purpose of your life is!"

Step 4
Go With The Flow

Detach from the way you think it should be/ Release old patterns. Regardless of what we choose; life can still have unexpected, unwelcome situations; that may cause us to lose our mental and emotional footing in any given moment. In this step you will understand and be given the tools on how to flow thru life gracefully without being adversely affected by others

Learn how to be free of other’s demands or expectations
Learn how to break away from judgment
Lean what makes you happy and brings you joy.

“Don’t let someone who gave up on their dreams, talk you out of yours!”

Step 5
Intuion  - Life's Compass

Repair your intuition, your Life's Compass through the Harmonic Unity of the wisdom of the Divine masculine and feminine.

Your intuition is your fail proof inner navigation system. Find out how it speaks to you and how to trust in it; so you know beyond a shadow of a doubt this is the voice to pay attention to and follow regarding all of your decisions.

Learn what your inner voice sounds like.
How to discern which voice to listen to
How to take instructions from your feelings

Step 6
Follow Your Heart

Dare to be happy! You have a life destiny! You can be free of other’s demands or expectations. This is a key element to manifesting your dreams;  yet first you need to be clear on what you desire and know how to go for it without interruption.

There are multiple ways to follow your heart song to your happiness and all the other wonderful things you intend to have in life. The quickest and most empowering way is being free to express the magnificent spirit of you without concern of the opinion or judgment of others.

Learn how to be free of other’s demands or expectations
Learn how to break away from judgment
Lean what makes you happy and brings you joy.

Step 7
Design Your Dream Life

You are never too young or too old to rewrite your story. In step 7 you will be Crafting the plan for the life of your dreams based on your true life purpose. Knowing who you are is not enough. It is important to be it by claiming it and unleashing it. In Step 7 you will get the clear direction of how to craft a successul life plan to actually live your life purpose; what you are really meant to do and enjoy.

What Are Waiting For ?


 Step 8 - Activate
Living Passionate Purpose

Activation of the real you. Launching  your living legacy; what makes your soul dance inside your body!
You have a great deal to offer and are not meant to stop just short of the final reward of a joyful life driven by passionate purpose; where you share your valuable wisdom to benefit all!  Fulfill Your Life Legacy. For Those You Love. To Uplift the World. But more it For You!

Meet your author and life transformation coach to find out why you can trust her, what you have in common and how can she help you!

Or Get Started Now! by immediately Getting Out of Your R.U.T and accessing the 8 Transformation Steps in full  to awaken, acknowledge, accept, release, repair, restore, align and acitvate the real you. The life liberating roadmap to change a meaningless mess existence to a magnificent passionate purposeful life!